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A story of survival and exploration...
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…to the unique and highly rated children’s adventure book Xientifica SOS!

I wrote Xientifica SOS (pronounced Sci-entifica – with a bit of an ‘X’ sound at the start!) to inspire children (and adults) to see the wonder of science all around us and to bring a completely new way to learning science. If you love an adventure story and love the beauty and wonder of nature, I’m sure you’ll enjoy Xientifica SOS. Let me know what you think! Daniel

‘Where science meets adventure’ – aimed at 8-12 year olds.

Let Xientifica SOS – the children’s adventure book with a difference  – inspire you and open your eyes to the world around us – its beauty and its danger!

‘Not just an adventure, but a journey of survival and exploration that opens up the beauty and wonder of nature, science and the universe.’ 

‘Xientifica SOS is a unique children’s adventure book!’

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Listen to some short extracts from Xientifica SOS:

Five pupils, from Firtrees Primary School, each with different gifts, are thrust into an adventure of a lifetime which will test their minds, bodies, courage and teamwork. Do they have what it takes to survive?

For 8-12 years (up to adults)


“Engaging children’s imagination and curiosity while learning is a true gift. Daniel’s writing and educational knowledge weaves these elements perfectly” 

– Host, Education on Fire Podcast & Vice Chair of National Association for Primary Education 

Perfect alternative to school!

Xientifica SOS inspires children (and adults) both young and old, to look at the world with fresh eyes and curious minds. Riddled with riddles, poetry and with fresh, colourful illustrations.

First and foremost a children’s adventure book, Xientifica SOS has over 50 scientific concepts, ideas and facts, woven through it. From friction, mass and acceleration, waves, gravity and forces, to the speed of light and sound, meteors and solar eclipses – and much more!

Read Reviews

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Find out more about this unique children’s adventure book

Check out the podcast, the press release and articles from primary First and Teach Primary…

Podcast Education on FIre

Press Release

Article – Primary First

xientifca sos adventure children's book primary times

Article – teach Primary

xientifca sos adventure children's book teach primary

YouTube channel